We find records about the “miraculous” springs spurting up on the territory of the Bath from as early a date as the 15th century. These springs were later favoured by the Turks as well, as they were larger and hotter than the Buda baths of the period. In the...
The Spa City
Rudas Thermal Bath
Magnificently restored memorial from the period of Hungary's Turkish occupation. Steam bath separately for men and women. Bathing parties in swimsuits in the weekends.
The Széchenyi Thermal Bath is one of the largest spa complexes in Europe. It is also the first thermal bath of Pest. It owes its existence to Vilmos Zsigmondy, a mining engineer. On his initiative,successful deep borings had been performed in the City Park, where...
Try to spot Hungarian celebrities chilling in the outdoor pools, prevent nasty colds in the chamomile steam bath, or have your body wrapped in mineral-rich mud for silky-smooth skin.
The Király Bath are the most Turkish of the trove, but funnily enough,it does not have its own hot water-it borrows it from the neighboring Lukács. Formerly a men only spa, women are now welcome every day of the week.
The legendary Rácz Bath is found in Tabán, the first District of Budapest. The eldest part of the bath is its Turkish dome, once called “small bath”. This section has been preserved in excellent condition throughout the centuries, so it could be restored completely to...